Hello 2016. I have been waiting for you.

Hello 2016. I have been waiting for you.

That time of the year when I am always reminded that each one of us is given an opportunity. A finite amount of time. A try at the most interesting game of life.

Life is too short to not move on. Some things too important to let go. This then is the time to decide what to let go and what to hold on to forever.

Life is too short not to have fun. Your talent is too important to give up on trying every day to be the best you can be. This then is the time to be a fried egg — any way you turn its always sunny side up.

Life is too short to not eat drink and make merry. Too important to not understand the signs of onset of alcohol poisoning. This then is the time to keep walking (and to make it large!).

Life is too short to break the law. Too long if you don’t break the rules. This then is the time to understand essential and inessential insanities.

Life is too short to live with tired dogmas. Too important to miss out on interesting ideas. This then is the time to get off the train when one becomes the other.

To the year that was…thank you for making me stronger as the adage goes. To the year that will be…I may never be ready. But don’t let that stop you.

Wish us all a very happy and interesting 2016!

Next post: Training your team to be superstars…without the Hollywood budget

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